Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Flying Electric Generator

High Altitude Wind Power.Behold the future of clean power for the world. Potentially Our Cheapest Energy Source. Key to Energy Independence and Arresting Global Warming.There is progress to report. Many engineers and scientists the world over are coming to the conclusion that high altitude wind energy can play a substantial role in addressing the world's energy and global warming problems. There is increasing recognition that this energy source can provide the benefits of nuclear fission power sources without its dangers, and, after full development, probably more economically as well.

Tremendous energy can be captured from these average temperate zone winds, enough to supply all the world's energy needs economically.That the truly high energy winds are at altitudes miles above us, not just a few hundred feet where they can be tapped by rotors on towers, is clearly demonstrated in the form of detailed color charts calculated by Dr. Ken Caldeira, formerly of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, These charts show at what latitudes and altitudes this vast energy is to be found.

Our figures show now, that with the advent of very strong but light tether materials, through use of what is essentially existing rotorcraft technology, capture of high altitude wind energy should prove cheaper than as derived from any fossil fuel.In mass use, our calculations show that FEGs of Roberts' design should be able to produce electricity at a life cycle cost of LESS THAN TWO CENTS PER KILOWATT HOUR If all costs are considered, including the true costs of nuclear fission, long range this will be the world's cheapest energy source other than the limited hydro sources and limited situations where surface based wind turbines may be the most economic in supplying relatively local needs. But, on a larger scale, our figures show that high altitude wind energy will be capable of supplying the world's needs at the best overall economics.    

From Professor Roberts' preliminary working drawings of the next planned Flying Electric Generator rated at 240kW with rotor diameters of 35 feet.The total swept area for a  Flying Electric Generator of the same megawatt rating as a ground based wind turbine is typically about a quarter as much.Yet the Flying Electric Generator would produce far more megawatt hours of electricity per year due to the much higher high altitude wind speeds and constancy.


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